Monday, September 13, 2010

Ocean View Palace

We moved into Ocean View Palace IV 10 days after we got to Okinawa! We looked at the on base housing and it was really old, small, and quite trashy. Rhett convinced me that we really should look off base! A lot of the new dentists had already found places that they liked off base, so we set up an appointment with the housing department. They came and picked us up and took us to look at 1 apartment! It happened to be this one! I fell in LOVE with it immediately. It's pretty small, but everything over here is!

We put a deposit down on it and I went the next day to look at 4 more! None of the others made my face light up like this one did! So we went ahead and got right in. Moving day was a little crazy because we were on T-Core 1. The wind was blowing really hard and it was raining like crazy. Our first typhoon hit just North of us that night! We were just fine, but it was sure crazy to see the Ocean. The waves were huge and it was white outside from all the water in the air. It was a neat experience, but we are glad it didn't hit us right on. Okuma recreation area wasn't so lucky. It's a base just North and the eye of the storm hit them directly. They have been closed for clean up, but should be opening back up soon!

We love the view where we are at and the easy access to the water! The beach is about 5 minutes down the road, but there is a little step dock that lets you get right in the water just right down from us! The kids have had a ball and honestly I love the Ocean. I am so glad that we are living here. We have beautiful sunsets. I sometimes just sneak out onto the balcony without the kids and take a little time out for myself. The sound of the waves and watching the water just seem to perk me right up!

We don't have any of our furniture, but we do have some loaner stuff. Carter is getting his own room with a Queen size bed so if anyone is saving up to come and visit he would love to give you his room. Hint Hint!!! The three little kids sleep on the bunk bed right now! Carter just seems like he needs a little space away from all the chaos.

Anyway, so far this place has been great! Oh... except the neighbor right under us has come up to complain twice already about the noise. He says he can hear running a lot. I told him I'm sorry, but I have LOTS of little kids! Hopefully, when our rugs get here it will become a little more quiet for him. If not, he could always move. lol. j/k.

Rhett, Carter, and the babies out on the balcony!

These are from the balcony!

And this is from sitting on the couch in the living room!

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