Saturday, September 18, 2010

Okinawa Zoo

We felt the need to get the kids out the other day and decided to hit up the zoo. We love to see the animals and it's a great place to let the kids run off some steam! We packed everyone up and hit the road. It's about 20 minutes from our house, so it's not too far!

We decided to get the year passes so I can take the kids a few more times. Most of the stuff here is pretty expensive, but the year pass wasn't bad at 1,000 yen for Carter and 1,400 for me and Rhett. The three little guys are still free! I am so glad we bought the pass because we had so much fun! It was a really interactive zoo.

The little boys favorite part was that we watched them feed the hippos really close and they each got to feed the elephant a banana. We were right there close by the animals and I even got to touch the elephant's trunk. It was really cool!

Also the bats here are almost the size of eagles! It's wicked crazy!!!

Hunter with a really serious look on his face!

Ryker smiling by a little turtle statue!

The hills were REALLY steep! I made Rhett push the stroller! It is SO green here though!

Ryker showing daddy the Lion!

Watching the hippo eat! It was funny! They would open their mouths so wide and rest them open on the bars!

A funny sign by the lions and tigers. We didn't get too close to that cage!

Carter and Taylor on their way down to see the alligators. Another HUGE favorite!!!

Carter LOVES the alligators and we spent a long time looking at every variety they have here!

The twins looking to see some turtles!

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