Saturday, November 13, 2010

Awase Fish Market

We went with some friends to the fish market last weekend and had a fun time checking out all the fish! It was actually really funny getting there! I called up Kristen and said, "Hey want to go to the fish market and get some fresh fish?" She said, "Yeah, I know where it's at. They have this fish auction at 8:00 so meet at our house at 7:30 and you can just follow us." I was excited because we have gotten lost a few too many times and was stoked that she had been there and knew where it was.

We went to their house and followed them a couple miles! That's when I noticed we were driving in circles. lol. We laughed and just let them lead... after 25 minutes of following them down little alley roads they finally pulled over! She said, "I am SO sorry. I really thought I knew where it was at." It was pretty funny to me. She called the friend that had taken her there and we got the right directions on how to get there! We were actually only a couple roads over from where we needed to be! We got there and checked out all the fisherman's fresh catches. The kids had a blast looking at all the different kinds of seafood people actually eat!

It was kind of a fun day. It was really rainy, but it was a great experience for the little ones! We didn't actually end up buying any of the fish because we just stayed for the auction. The fish market didn't open for a couple more hours and we didn't want to wait there in the rain for that long. We're not huge fish people... it was more to go and see what they had not acually buy, cook, and eat it! :)

Rhett and the little boys! Those are huge tuna behind them!

Hunter LOVED the little blue crab. Most of them were still alive and trying to flip over so they were really entertaining to watch!

Yummy... octopus!

Our family by the dolphin, I mean tuna! Anyone ever seen "The Cove?" lol

The little boys checking out some little fish!

Carter really loves this place! He thought it was extremely cool!

Taylor was a little more grossed out, but impressed still the same!

All 6 of the kids watching the clams squirt water up out of the bucket!

We thought they eat some weird things..... including- Stingray, Octopus, Puffer fish, Little tiny breaded fish. We also liked watching the guy cut chunks out of the huge tuna to show everyone the color of it! It was actually a really pretty dark orange red! Kristen, who eats fish, said it looked like a really great fresh catch! Cool! Anyway, we had a good time at the fish market!


  1. I would have to agree with Hunter I love little blue crab except when there pinching your toes at the beach.

  2. love your story man, hope you had a great time

    just those tuna are really diminishing in our oceans and it makes me sad seeing them there, being a angler and all that (not bragging, stating) i kinda have respect for the ocean but not for those who would kill rare animals like that for money, feeding your family is different than a profit
