So while the babies and Taylor are peacefully taking a nap. I thought I would try to play catch up a little on the blog. We actually went to the aquarium several weeks ago. The aquarium is up past Nago which is just over an hour away from us. We packed everybody up one Saturday and hit the road! The drive there was really pretty. It still amazes me how very green it is here! I guess after living in the desert for all those years I'm not used to green being in my daily life! I can say though... that I do miss that red dirt sometimes! :)
The kids LOVED this place. It's sort of like a mini Seaworld! It had a little dolphin show. Then this huge aquarium with lots of different tanks. Our favorite tank was the tank that had the stingrays and the whale shark in it! Carter could have watched that whale shark all day long if we had let him. :)
The twins also really loved this place. They were so amazed at all the different fish and grabbed my cheeks to show me each and every one of them. They loved to get right up to the glass and check them out! The shark really got them excited! :)
Oh and Rhett-- You ROCK my world! thanks for all the help with the kids this day! I was a little overwhelmed, but Rhett was a great helper! Sometimes when we go places he turns into one of the kids! ;)
lol - loved the mating manatee quip you added. Mom is a nut. That still makes me laugh.