Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Carter (7)

Happy Birthday sweet boy! Carter turned 7 on November 7th. I can't believe I have a 7 year old. That is so crazy to me. He seems so old and mature now! What a sweet boy he is! He is a wonderful helper and absolutely adores his little brothers! The 3 little ones get SO excited when he gets home from school. They each rush up and give him a big hug and say, "Hi Cader." He then asks me who missed him the most to which I reply, "I did... Of course!" This is pretty much our daily routine! He is in first grade and I can honestly say that I really miss this kid!

Whenever we go on outings I always wish he were there with me! I feel like I hardly even get to see him anymore! He goes to school early in the morning and by the time the bus drops him off it's almost dinner time! We do homework together than it's already bedtime! One thing that we both love is Junie B Jones books! We read together every night and have really come to look forward to this special time together reading about this naughty little girl! It has been a lot of fun!

I feel like we celebrated Carter's birthday for almost a week! He had Friday off so we went to the zoo. This would be the day that the chimpanzee decided to take some poop off the ground and proceeded to throw it right at Carter. It was seriously the grossest and funniest thing I have ever seen. I know Carter hates that I'm blogging this as he told me NOT to "faceblog" it, but I really think that when he's older he will laugh about it! The best part was that the chimp actually hit Carter right in the face! It got on his cheek and in his hair! lol. Carter looked right at the chimp and yelled, "If you dare to do that again I'll throw my poop at you." He really was TICKED! I thought he was going to jump in the cage and teach that chimp a lesson. I wiped him down with wet wipes and we enjoyed the rest of the zoo before heading home and SHOWERING. Carter scrubbed and scrubbed with soap. He was so grossed out! For the record... the poop was hard not soft and squishy! Trust me- it makes a difference in EXACTLY how disgusting this story is! :)

We then celebrating by going to the McDonalds that opened right next to our house! We have been driving by this for months getting ready for the day it would open. All the kids were so excited! I pulled up to the drive thru... big mistake! Everything was in Japanese and there were NO pictures with the numbers! I ordered a number 3 and 3 hamburger happy meals! She couldn't understand me so she told me in her VERY BROKEN english to come window. I pulled around and pointed to a menu of what I wanted. I WANTED the chicken nuggets meal and 3 happy meals. What I GOT was a big mac and chocolate shake with 1 hamburger and fries, no drink... no toy! The best part was that I paid about $15.00 for this sad meal. The kids seemed thrilled to split the fries and we cut up the hamburgers! I love that they didn't even complain, but just thanked me for the food!

On Saturday, we went to Wago a.k.a Family Land! It is sort of like a cross between a chuck e cheese and a jump zone. They had all sorts of fun little things for the kids to jump and play on. The babies favorite room was the balloon room. It was a netted off room with 50 balloons in it! They had fans blowing into the room so the balloons were flying everywhere! They spent the majority of their time in there or the ball pit. Also a favorite! They had a zip line, jungle gym, hamster wheel, trampoline, slides, and video games galore! A kids (and Rhett's) Heaven! They all had such a good time! We had some friends meet us there then we went to Pizza Hut for dinner and topped off this wonderful day with cake and ice cream back at our place!

As we're driving home Carter says, "So tomorrow is my real birthday?" I replied, "Yes, but we celebrated it today because we have church tomorrow!" He gave me a cute little smile and said," Oh good. So what are we going to do for my birthday." What a nut!

On Monday, we took cupcakes in to his class! He told me that he loved having his birthday everyday! :) Anyway, another year down! Happy Birthday big boy! I love you!!!

These swung you around and around. Like monkeys!

The balloon room! Ryker

The jungle gym. Taylor
Hunter in the ball pit! They loved to jump from the sides into the balls!

He picked out his own cake! He was so proud!

Holy crap! He's getting so big!

1 comment:

  1. The zoo story is SO funny - I don't think anyone will forget that birthday. Tell him I love him and was thinking about him on his special day. That kid land looks awsome!
