Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Japan- sometimes it's weird!

Animal activists would have a hay day here in Japan! I was just thinking that the other day when we went to the zoo and saw this guy riding this elephant around to trim some of the trees! I mean, yeah it's way COOLER than a ladder, but what in the world?

Today we went to a park called Bios on the Hill.

While we were there this guy pointed to the twins and I nodded politely not really thinking about the language gap there! Then, he leaned over and placed Hunter on top of a water buffalo. I quickly stood up next to him as he placed Ryker right up next to his brother. The babies looked like death would have been preferable rather than sitting there. This HUGE crowd of people began taking pictures of these adorable matching kids with blond hair and blue eyes sitting on the water buffalo! I smiled politely and then I took my little boys down from this huge beast! I replied, "Arrigato" and we headed out to see something new! I regret that I was too nervous to leave them up there alone for a minute so I did not get a picture of them up there, but I'm sure somebody will post something on youtube! :) There were about 25 people that took about a million pictures of them.

We headed over to the section where you can feed and walk goats? Seriously!!! They have a little leash and rope so you can take them for a little walk. I learned very quickly that the babies are NOT as strong as the goats! I had thought that the rope might slip or they might drop it so I hooked it to the belt buckle! The goat took off and pulled Hunter for a few feet before I caught up to him. That NAUGHTY goat! (and NOT thinking MOM) When we fed the goats the carrots I purposely skipped right over him. That's what you get for scaring Hunter! :) Plus this little Japanese girl had accidently let go of the rope and she was running trying to catch him. lol. It was very funny to watch!

I love that here we can get SO close to the animals and the kids think it's great. but sometimes it kind of odd! I LOVE going to the zoo because we get to feed the elephant a banana and the giraffes some leaves, but the zoo is a little sad! The other day we saw that a kitten had fallen down into the goats cage and they just left it there to fend for itself!

Kids are funny- The twins favorite animal at the zoo is the chickens! Right across from the chickens they have a bear! A freakin' bear, but I can hardly get them to glance at the bear as they both yell excitedly, "Look Mom... birdies." I have got to straighten them out! :)

Anyway, we are really enjoying it here, but have just noticed that sometimes it's a bit WEIRD!!!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you guys are having so much fun! Animals are meant to be enjoyed--our zoos are kind of lame. You can't even feed the animals! I think I'd like it there better.
