Sunday, November 28, 2010

Some bad news! :(

Well, after 7 1/2 years of marriage, Rhett and I have decided to split up! I will be flying back to the states with the little boys sometime next month and Rhett will fulfill his commitment with the Air Force here in Japan and then hopefully find a place to practice nearby so he can see the little boys as much as possible. Rhett has 2 1/2 years that he still owes so it's going to be very hard on him for he won't be able to see the boys but only a couple times a year :( We are not getting divorced at this time, but we have decided it will be for the best to live separate lives for awhile. We are both great friends and will remain that way. We also both love the little boys so much! Rhett will continue to be a HUGE part of their lives whether or not we are together. I'm sorry to family that this is how I'm letting everyone know, but it has been a rough emotional ride lately and it's easier to just tell everyone at the same time! I plan on coming back to the Hurricane/St. George area and starting a new chapter in the boys life there. I hope that everyone will wish us both luck with this difficult journey we have ahead of us! It will be very hard on both of us. I will be a single mom taking care of these four boys, and Rhett will be all alone in Japan with no family or friends to support him :( He will miss the boys terribly!!! And they will miss him. Keep Rhett in your prayers because he will need all the help he can get dealing with the loneliness.

Rebecca and Rhett Olsen


  1. I love you Becs and wish you the best of luck. You'll have to come visit us on a free vacation. I'll take you all to the Phoenix zoo. You are both in our prayers.

  2. Love you Beck! I'm sorry for your difficulties, but must admit I look forward to having you and those sweet boys closer! I've really missed you guys!

  3. Awwwww Becky i'm so sorry:( I hope you are doing ok, i will always think you are freaking rock star!

  4. you are such a strong woman and i know that this has been a long hard ride for you. you have difinatley given your all and that's all you can expect of yourself. i'm coming to visit you in st. george so let me know when you get back. Sending you the biggest hug ever from L.A.
