I have been unpacking for a couple weeks now and really haven't had the opportunity or energy to take the little ones on any outings. Today I finally decided we were in much need of one! We headed out and got all buckled up in the van. I thought we would head to the tomb park that the kids love so much! On the road I saw this sign and jumped on the chance to see some more castle ruins!
The little boys were awesome! We pulled into the parking lot and had our picnic lunch I had packed. I figured the little ones needed the food for the energy to head up these steep hills! I was glad we ate before because we LOVED it there and stayed for close to two hours just checking out the old remains of this castle! The little boys were in Heaven just being able to run around! We truly have missed our outings together!

The random sign we decided to follow! :) I'm sure glad we did!

The front view!

I had a Japanese couple take my picture with the kids. It was funny because they then asked if I would take their picture with my kids! lol. I'm getting used to this, but it still always makes me laugh that people want to take a picture of them with somebody else's kids!

Large steps to the top rooms in the castle!

A bridge to the lower rooms!

Stairs down!

The little boys sitting at the top of the stairs!

Cute little Taylor patiently waiting for the babies to climb back up! There was a TON of walking and stairs. The babies tend to be a little slow and VERY easily distracted! :)

Hey Grandma, Look how big this snail is! I wanted to keep it, but mommy said, "NO!!!"

Another set of stairs to different part of the castle! It was seriously gorgeous here! We stayed forever just looking at everything! I bet it was an absolutely AMAZING castle back in the day! When you reached the top enclosure it looks right out into the Ocean!

Taylor at the top part of the castle!
We had such a great time exploring and can't wait to take Carter and Rhett back! Seriously how many people can say they've had a picnic at a castle! :)
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