Friday, November 12, 2010

These little "Monkeys" are driving me CRAZY!!!

I feel like the question in our house is.... "What are we going to do that's fun today?"


Does everyday have to be mom entertain me day?

I have been so tired lately! We don't have t.v. here and I can honestly say that most the time I love it! It makes us get out and enjoy the island, but today it would have been really nice to throw on Dora and let the t.v. entertain for a little while! I woke up with a migraine and the kids have been driving me bananas! Thankfully Rhett had the day off today and has done his best to help them use their imagination! Thanks Honey! They played super monkeys with Carter for several hours than Rhett hooked up the Gamecube for them!

The babies confused by this huge ape at the zoo!

Carter's game- Super Monkeys

Monkey- Hunter

Monkey- Ryker

Monkey- Taylor

And the stud Monkey- Carter


  1. Super monkeys sounds awesome! It reminds me of Cinda Julie Mountain Lion and the Red Crayon. lol Made up games are the best.

  2. I love the Monkeys!!!! Looks like a fun game--probably better than the "What animal am I" game we played in Pheonix. I love you guys. Thanks for doing a blog!
