Sunday, October 2, 2011

Zoo Passes

I debated whether to get zoo passes again this year because we really have seen EVERYTHING this little zoo has to offer, BUT it is such a relaxing fun place for the kids to be able to run around in. I bit the bullet and decided to get them. We definitely got our moneys worth last year. 

It is starting to cool off a little bit! YAY! We decided an outing was just what we needed. I have had a few stressful weeks with babysitting drama to online ordering problems. I just needed a break to forget everything and just to realize how much I enjoy my children. They really do light up my life, even when they are naughty. I still can't get enough of them.

We had such a wonderful time. We did get caught in the rain, but that just made for more excitement. We got there a few minutes before opening so we had fun walking around the top looking at the zoo pictures. I let the boys pick their favorite ones to stand by for a quick picture. I tried not to take too many pictures of the zoo because I already have a billion from here, but please enjoy the very few that I took.

The babies both picked the giraffe to stand by. They really love the giraffe and we actually got to feed the reals ones some leaves. I love being able to be so up close and personal with the animals here. It makes for a neat experience!

My sweet Taylor picked the Rhino as his favorite picture. He seriously melts my heart. I love him so much!

Have I ever mentioned my absolute FEAR of spiders. I HATE, HATE, HATE them. They scare the heck out of me and we see a lot here in Oki. I believe they call this beauty a banana spider. It's hard to tell the size of it from the picture, but it was way bigger than my face! I had a hard time getting a great picture of it because honestly I thought I was going to die for sure. I was sure that it would see me taking it's picture and dive right onto my face for the kill. Scary little devils for sure. The boys LOVED it though. They wanted to touch it so bad. I said absolutely NO!

Very fun day at the zoo though. I'm glad that I bought the year passes again and can't wait to take the kids for more fun adventures here!


  1. That spider makes me anxious just seeing pictures. That spider might keep me away from a are brave.

  2. I'm glad the weather is improving and you get to get out and have fun with your kids again. You loved the zoo when you were little. We knew Hogle Zoo very well when Larry was finishing school at the U. I think you liked the monkeys best.
