Thursday, October 27, 2011

Answering Machine-

We have Vonage and I love it. It never really drops a call and has made me miss home just a little less. It's hard to live in Japan and have my loved ones so far away, but this makes it easier being able to talk to them so much. The time difference can be a little confusing and we have received plenty of middle of the night calls, but overall we are so blessed to have this. We don't really have an answering machine, but through Vonage... they take a message and write me an email with it. They always make me die laughing reading them. Vonage is not GREAT and putting your words down on paper.

I'd like to share two that I got yesterday while grocery shopping.

(1) From my Mom-

"Hey Pat, I missed your call Helen and didn't test, hope is coming okay babe love you. Bye"

Isn't it awesomely hilarious! 

(2) This last one is from my sister-in-law Steph-

"Hey Jack, it's Chad. I'm sorry missed your call. Gimme a holler when you get this it's only what 720 here so I don't know if you're out and about running errands around the other line or what. But give me a holler. I will be up for quite a while. Happy new year. Bye" 

I can't tell if my favorite part is where Chad wishes me a happy new year or the fact that every time I open up a new email my name is different. :)

I just thought I had to share since I couldn't stop giggling last night in bed. So maybe if my callback time is a little slow it's because I'm trying to decipher who has actually called. ;) Keep calling though. I love you guys so much and it is so fun to hear how everything is back home! What a blessing that technology has come so far since letters. I love being able to talk and maybe we can even try to skype one of these days. I tell you... these kids are growing up to fast. You'll be so surprised how big they are getting.


  1. That's hilarious. Why don't they have voicemail? You would think that would be easier than taking messages. I almost want to call and leave a message just so they can leave you another undecipherable email. lol :)

  2. That's so funny! I had no idea that you even got messages. I usually just hang up if you don't answer. I love you guys! Happy Halloween!!!!
