Friday, October 14, 2011

BBQ with friends

I have been in this horrible blogging funk lately. I have had just a touch homesickness and in all honesty life has just been crazy. With all the messes that the three little ones have been up to lately I have been overworked and exhausted. I guess when I pull up my computer at night to get ready to blog I either (1) have nothing nice to say or (2) choose sleep over blogging. I apologize for my lack of updating and hope in the future I will be a little bit better. 

I have found that Ryker is my little mess maker. I used to blame the twins, but as they are getting older Hunter is getting smarter. The minute he sees Ryker trying to do something naughty he runs to get me. That's right folks. He totally will rat out his best friend to avoid a spanking. Smart smart boy. :) Unfortunately this has not slowed Ryker down in the least bit. 

I have learned a couple lessons lately. The first and most important is that I CANNOT sleep in longer than the babies. The minute they start to stir I had better be getting my rear end out of bed or there will be major consequences. The other lesson that I learned this week is that I CANNOT go to the bathroom while the babies are awake or suffer the consequences. :) They can make the biggest mess in the smallest amount of time. It is actually a very great talent. If I could just harness the naughty energy and make them do nice things... it would be fantastic. They really are so very creative. 

Some of the messes the tornado aka Ryker has done this week. He is still very obsessed with eggs and had blown through a dozen in the last two days. The first six were the worst though because they were on the carpet and behind the couch. Had I not snuck up on the little stinker that could have been a HUGE disaster. Could you just imagine the smell if I had missed out on that catch. Phew. I promptly stuck his butt in time out and he stayed there the entire time that I was scrubbing carpets. He was crying about how sorry he was so I thought he may have learned his lesson. Nope! The next day he threw the rest of the dozen on the kitchen floor. I guess he thought I was just mad about the placement of the eggs. I'm pretty sure if he ever plays with eggs I will follow through with my threat. I told him that if he got my eggs out again I would crack an egg on his head. This freaked him out a little. I know he's curious and has a blast watching them crack and the yolk ooze all over, but even he knows it will not be fun on his head.

He also loves toilet paper. I mean loves to unroll the stuff. He then throws it ALL in the toilet and I have a huge unclogging mess to clean up. I need to still call the housing unit due to one poor toilet that hasn't been able to recover from the madness. I should be happy that we don't own a home. By the time we actually will be able to get into one I have high hopes that my kids will be old enough to take better care of it. Here's to hoping! 

He also climbs into EVERYTHING. He gets into the fridge and pulls everything out. He climbs into the cupboards and pulls out all the snacks. I have to hide the potty treats every night in a new spot due to him finding and snarfing all of them down. He even climbed on top of the fridge the other day while I was vacuuming the living room. I heard his crying and went to rescue him. He is just so darn curious about everything. It is driving me to an early grave for sure. I now have to dye my hair twice as often. I fully blame the babies for all the unwanted gray hair. 

He also went to town on the walls with markers that Carter had left out from doing homework. When I say left out I mean they were up high, but still within Ryker's ability to locate and have a ball with. I was so mad that we had outdoor time. We went outside and they were having such a good time hunting grasshoppers that I decided to mow the grass really quickly. While I did that Ryker dowsed the lawn in the back with gasoline. He had gone into the outside closet and found the can. I guess it looked like a watering can so he took it upon himself to water the lawn. Seriously, I cannot take my eye off this little terd for one minute. 

All of my kids have really had a hard time not drawing on the walls lately so I thought maybe it's me. Maybe I need to pull out paper and crayons more often so they can go to town on that for awhile and get all the coloring out of them. I cleaned out the closet under the stairs and made a cute little school room for the three of them. I put a big bin of coloring books and crayons. I explained that whenever they wanted they could go in there and color. Then I explained that we color on paper not the floor or the walls. They were having a blast so I went to do the dishes. I went back in 15 minutes later to crayon ALL OVER the walls and floor. I feel like my family alone has made Mr. Clean a millionaire, but bless his soul for making those AWESOME magic erasers. I will gladly shell out my money for something that works so well. I will probably get cancer of the hands from all the scrubbing I have been doing the last year. I made the little boys help this time. 

I do have one thing that I really love. I still play volleyball every Tuesday and Thursday. It is bitter sweet. I have a blast going and playing, but sometime that mess isn't worth it. Like this week they destroyed the house while Rhett slept on the couch. They also took scissors to the exercise ball. Rhett has been pretty good so I will cut him some slack on falling asleep this one time. :)

Other happenings since I last blogged. Carter asked me for an iphone for his birthday. The conversation went a little like this-
(C) Hey Mom, for my birthday I want to get an iphone.
(M) Yeah right buddy. You're turning 8 not 18. 
(C) There is this girl in my class that has one and she is only 7.
(M) Well, she must not have any brothers or sisters. I gave you something better. I gave you three brothers to play with.
(C) I hate having brothers. Remember when it was only me and we were all happy?

We have been watching home videos lately and he loves the ones with him as a baby before all the other kids. I guess to him that's when he was the happiest. lol.

We had a few BBQ's with friends lately. It has been such nice weather. Rhett set up the slip n slide and we had everyone over for a nice visit. The second time we had like 18 kids here. No one died so I consider it a success. They all had a really great time. Here's a few pictures of my munchkins heading down the slip n slide. 

Alright with that I am going to sleep. The babies still come in every single night and I still let them because lets be honest they are my babies! They won't want to snuggle me or have me hold them like a baby soon enough so I will sleep like crap for a few more months until they grow over me. Plus when they are sleeping they are absolute angels. It's only during the day that their horns show!


  1. These kind of posts are the best!! lol because it's what life as a mommy is 'really' like. I recommend you invest in a toilet auger. It's what the plumber uses to unclog your toilet and you still have years of unclogging to do. I finally got one because Brooke flushes random stuff down and killed the kids toilet. You can find them at Lowes or Home Depot from 10 - 50 bucks. It's worth it. I'm sorry your babies are stinkers but it's so funny to read about when it's not you cleaning up the mess. (I'm am laughing like crazy while writing this) :) You made my day a little brighter.

    It seems so crazy that I'm having another baby. I haven't had to change a diaper for 2 years almost. I better get ready because it's starting all over...

  2. This kind of post makes me feel stupid for EVER complaining about Lily or Grace. Props to you!!! Sorry they are such stinkers! I don't know how much of it you can contribute to them being "boys" but this post makes me pretty happy to have all girls. LOL!!!

  3. It's so fun to read your blog. Tell Ryker that I love him! What a little nut (Johnson genes). I had to live through lots of coloring on wall messes. You have a cute family!

  4. I love to hear the stories of your life. It makes me so sad that your far away. Usually when your this stressed out we go to disneyland. I wish I was there to help with your little trouble makers. Sure miss you guys.
