Saturday, October 15, 2011

Divide and Conquer

I feel as though me and Rhett have been doing this a lot lately. He has something for work or that he needs to get done and I have something entirely different to do. Well, last week Rhett had volunteered to help supervise the "Skate Party." I really needed to run over the grocery store so Rhett took the two big boys with him. They had such a great time.

 I also had a great time with the babies. They are growing up so fast. We started our date with a bear hunt. We saw a couple, but thankfully we run so fast that they didn't get us. We then caught 12 grasshoppers, 3 crickets, 1 spider, 2 butterflies, and a lizard. I have to tell you I am one AWESOME bug catcher. This is a favorite past time of all my children and we always have such a great time doing it. 

We then hit up the commissary for some much needed food and ended the date at the donut store. I bribe the little ones with donuts all the time. They were little angels at the store so I let them each pick out a donut on the way home. It was a fun relaxing evening. Rhett and the big boys still weren't home so we decided a wagon ride was just the adventure that we needed. I ran up and down little roads and they giggled with delight pointed out all the bats we saw flying around. I love when they see one because they both point right at it and shout, "OOO loot at that spooky bat." Times that by 100 and it was hilarious! I'm pretty sure most of them were the same bat flying back over, but to the babies they loved it!

On another subject- I LOVE bedtime. I mean really love it. The few hours that me and Rhett get to spend together in the evenings is golden. We had started watching the old Dexter's and it has been fun just cuddling on the bed in each others arms. It is so great that I get to see Rhett this year. The residency and dental school was super tough and I have missed being able to snuggle my baby! Now if we can just get the babies to stop coming in our bed EVERY night at midnight that would be Heaven. :)

 Notice that our kids are the only ones without a helmet. Oops!

I love love love this little skater dude! Thanks for sending him his skates in the mail. He uses them daily Melanie. :)

Top off the evening with soda and hot dogs. It was a great hit with the kids. I'm so glad that Rhett took them with him. He has been so great with them lately. They sure enjoy their Daddy. Their favorite thing is playing on the trampoline with him. They play steamroller at least every other day and he is so great and patient with them. Sometimes I wish I was more relaxed like Rhett. He just gets to play with them and love his guts for it!

My date partners aka partners in crime. They still are so sweet and I love that they love us. Hunter just last night as we were putting him to bed asked in his sweetest voice, "Will you snuggle me in my teddy bear and hold me like a baby?" Seriously how do you say no to that? Well, let me tell you... you don't. You just grab that pooh bear blanket and snuggle the heck out of him. I'm sure it will be soon enough that they wont want those snuggles and hugs. I dread that day so much! :( Why do kids have to grow up so dang fast? It seems just yesterday I was waking up every 2 hours to feed these little monkeys.

1 comment:

  1. Your kids are growing up so fast!!! Taylor looks cute as heck wearing roller skates. Carter is just so grown up. I'm glad the twins are still little cuddlers--makes up for the mischief! Cute kids Bec! I hope they remember us...3 years is such a long time.
