Sunday, October 16, 2011

My kids are so excited for this...

It's all they can talk about lately. We just put up some decorations the other day. We have some fun Jack-o-lanterns hung up and a spooky spider web with spiders. The kids love them and every time we walk in the door they exclaim, "Look how spooky." It's really cute.

I love the holidays with little kids. They really make them a lot of fun! 


  1. I was able to make it a little bigger by adding black on the edges but now it looks blurred ... probably because I just copied yours so it's a copy of a copy. I like what you did with the collage. You may just want to put your original back on the way you had it. It looks really cute that way.

  2. If you want to try and get the picture clearer you could try copying your original smilebox pic to scrapblog then adding black to the background and exporting it as a jpeg. It may turn out less blurry that way. It was good to talk to you! :)

  3. Cute pictures. You have such cute kids! We are looking forward to seeing this years Halloween pictures. Did the costumes get there yet?
