Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Park Weather

I Love going to the park with the little boys. They always have such a great time and can be as wild as they want. There's no yelling, just relaxing together as a family. 

I love it when these two play together. They truly are such great friends and can be found hunting bugs, jumping on the trampoline, or playing video games together quite frequently. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it.

It has been so hot this summer that we didn't get to play outside as much as usual. We did go to the beach quite a few times, but the park was to miserable in the heat. It is finally starting to cool down a smidgeon and we can't wait to take advantage our all the fun parks in Japan. This is just a close one on base. All the really great treasures are found off base.

 Taylor loves the monkey bars and it getting pretty good at them. He swings back and forth and loves to hold on with one hand. It's probably an accident waiting to happen since he falls A LOT, but he loves it to much to tell him they are off limits.

The big hit at this park is the tire swing though. It is by far the most popular thing to do here and my kids go nuts when Daddy pushes them super high on it. He will load up all four and really get them going. It is a blast to see them all giggling together.

Hunter is such a sweet little twerp. He is also my most stubborn. He always says, "Cuz I want that right NOW." If you tell him to say please he just repeats, "Cuz I want it." He doesn't forget either. My other kids I could distract with something else, but when he or Ryker have their mind set on something they let  you know it.

Poor Ryker fell asleep on the way to the park and just couldn't open his eyes long enough to play. They seem to be adjusting to not taking a nap during the day. I'm having a hard time with this. I'm not ready to give it up quite yet. They will take one only IF I lay down with them. I'm usually out before they are, but they will still sleep. Taylor also loves nap time. This is the only time during the day I let him play video games. :) Anyway, we are excited to play at the parks all Winter long. I hope we find all sorts of really cool ones like last year. Let the exploring begin.

1 comment:

  1. Wish I could go to the Parks with you, but I'm glad you share your adventures with us!
