Monday, October 3, 2011

Mommy turns 30

I turned thirty! Yikes. How did that happen so fast. I remember it wasn't so many years ago that I thought thirty was so OLD! I guess it's okay though. They say you're only as old as you feel! Well, lately I have felt more like forty or fifty. I'm in trouble!

The little boys helped me celebrate ALL DAY LONG. I got to sleep in until I woke up. Huge props to Rhett. That is the only thing I really wanted for my birthday. I also came down to a 12 pack of Dr. Pepper and a dozen donuts. ( A couple of major addictions I have) Along with some beautiful flowers and a great birthday card from Rhett. Rhett can be very sweet when he wants to be and the words he wrote in the card made me cry. This worried the kids until I explained they were tears of joy. :)

He also brought home this yummy cake later in the day! It was so relaxing and just the perfect way to bring in getting older.

I also had some fun gifts in the mail. Thank you Mom and Melanie for being so thoughtful!


  1. You oldie you. I'm glad you had a fun birthday. Your oreo cake looks yummy.

  2. I'm glad you had a fun birthday. I found getting older was kind of fun just because the little kids thought it was so fun to have a birthday to celebrate. Something about cake...
