Friday, April 19, 2013

Cape Hedo

Another outing with the cuties!

We drove down to Hedo Point to check out the view. It was so cold that day though. I felt bad for the little ones. We stayed and played for a little while, but it was chilly. Awesome view though. I am going to miss this island so much when we leave.


Cute Japanese man checking out the view.

We were able to check out all the beautiful cherry blossoms. I LOVE when they are in bloom. They truly are so pretty!

We also stopped to take a few pictures of the gorgeous sunset on the way back home. Another awesome adventure with my favorite people. Life is GOOD!


  1. You have such a cute family. I'm so impressed with Carters Derby car. Awesome! :)Those Sunflowers were so beautiful too. I love sunflowers!

  2. Life IS Good. I'm glad you stop and enjoy so much that your little Island has to offer. Probably my big regret in life is that I didn't go to Japan while you were there. It's not going to happen in England though. I'm coming!
