Friday, April 19, 2013

Sunflower Festival

They had the Sunflower Festival right after Rhett came home so we decided to take the kids to play in the flowers. They actually had a lot more fun than I thought they would. lol. They had fun Japanese music playing and lots of food stands set up.

They even had this awesome board to put your face in. :)

So of course we had to do it. Who doesn't want to stick their face in a board for a picture? Carter... that's who. He was so embarrassed that we even stopped. It makes me sad that he is growing up so fast. I have a feeling it won't be the last time I embarrass him. lol

We just kind of played around in the flowers enjoying their bright colors. Sunflowers truly are such an awesome flower. It brings a smile to my face. Plus my kids ROCK! They played tag for the most part, but humored me with a few pictures when asked! 

I lost Taylor for a few minutes and started to panic a little. I found him a couple minutes later with a silly smile. I immediately knew he was up to something so I pulled him aside and asked him what was so funny. He got this cute twinkle in his eyes and said, "I had to pee so I just went into the long sunflowers to hide and did it." lol. He is such a funny guy. He's lucky no one saw him. Little twerp!

We found this sunflower so Rhett had us all stop while he played around with his camera. Taylor was the last one to stand next to it and totally broke the flower off when he was done. :( Seriously such a turd!  This is Rhett yelling at him. lol

The twins stopped to play in the dirt. Such little boys! :) Carter is growing up so fast, but I did get him to take a picture with his Daddy. 


  1. Bec - you are seriously so gorgeous! Like model gorgeous. I'm thinking you guys are going to miss all these cool places in Japan. I had a doctor's appt. last week and she was from England. She said to tell you to dress warm because the weather sucks there. ;) Unless you like rainy and cold year round. lol It reminds me of Spring ... and Fall and winter in Washington.

  2. What a fun festival. I love sunflowers! I don't think I've ever seen that many all at once! Remember we used to week them out of the bean fields. :)
