Monday, April 1, 2013

Fun with Friends

It has been really hard being so far from family, but we have really made a lot of really great friends here on the island. They tend to become family when yours are so far away. We have had a lot of fun with these groups so I thought I would dedicate a blog post for them. Thank you for accepting Rhett and I and for being such fun people. We love you all!!!

Sometimes, girls just need a night out together. Love this group.... even though they make me look whiter than I am and still haven't been able to teach me any of that cool Latin dancing. They still put up with me. :) They are so much fun. 

Sometimes, we even let the boys come and hang out with us. :) We have seen many concerts and had so many meals together. It is so nice to have great friends!

Oh, and I can't forget my VOLLEYBALL family! Love them so much. I can honestly say that I wouldn't have survived Rhett's deployment without these wonderful people.

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