Sunday, April 7, 2013

Neo Park

Well, last night I couldn't sleep.
 I always have such a hard time when Rhett isn't here.
 He is in Texas right now doing a  dental conference and won't be back for a few more weeks. As I was laying in the dark I pulled out the computer and pulled up my blog and just started scrolling through old posts. It was so much fun to see how everyone has changed so much being over here in Japan. I still remember how excited and nervous I was when I got the call from Rhett that we were moving to Japan. It seriously just seems like yesterday. I can't believe that our time in Asia is almost up. :( It truly is bittersweet for me. This chapter has been amazing.

We have had the opportunity to not only experience our beautiful island of Okinawa, but have also seen many other awesome countries in Asia. We went to Malaysia, China, Singapore, Bali, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Thailand. We are still hoping to be able to hit up Australia on our way out. 

We just found out a few days ago that the next chapter of our lives will take place in England! We are so excited. I feel like we have done so much in Asia and can't wait to explore the UK and Europe. 

Our first year I did so much with the kids. I was out of the house almost everyday taking them on adventures and playing at our favorite spots. I notice as the time is coming to an end I have really felt the urge to explore the island once more before we take off. It truly is such an amazing island and I will miss seeing the Ocean as I drive down the road. 

Anyway, back to my blog.
Some of these places you will have already seen. We are hitting up some of our very favorite spots before we have to leave the island.

We went to Neo Park and had a great time feeding the birds and checking out all the animals. 
This is always such a fun spot to hit up when we are driving to Nago.

Carter is getting so big. He is fun to take with me on adventures because he is really into taking pictures so I actually get to be in some of them now. He's actually pretty good too. 

He really has grown up over the last year. The kids is HUGE too. He eats way more than I do and is just SOLID! I love his guts. 

My favorite buddies-

Sometimes I like to nibble on Rhett's ear like this. hahaha

I'm going to miss seeing the kanji signs everywhere we go and at the same time I am so excited that we will actually be able to read the signs at our next base.

We thought we would get a lot of luck if we sacrificed a child. Carter very happily volunteered. :)


  1. I absolutely have loved all of your adventures in Asia. I can't wait to see all of Europe and the UK through your blog. We're saving up our money so Craig and I can tour Europe in a few yrs. ;)

  2. I was bummed you aren't headed to alaska or any of the states but Europe sounds awesome! I am glad you didn't end up in some podunk area! :) Cheers!

  3. Thanks for sharing another adventure with us. Your boys really are growing up so fast! The babies were really just babies when you left. I love all of you!
