Oh my hell....
I don't even know what to write about this trip. lol
I told Taylor we would get to do something special together and he really wanted to go whale watching. I invited a couple friends of mine to come and play with us.
I was a complete mother hen before we left. I made sure to tell Chris and Adam to bring a lunch or snacks and some dramamine. I didn't want anyone to get sick on the boat. It had been fantastic weather the last few weekends so I was a little bummed it was overcast and rainy, but I was still just so excited!
We got on the bus and I pulled out granola bars, grapes, and carrots to make sure we had something in our bellies before we got to the boat. I had taken 2 dramamine and tried to force one down Taylor's throat, but to no avail. I did get Adam and Chris to both take one. Nothing was going to ruin this awesome day.
Then, we got on the boat. Still excited to go and find us some whales!
The water was really choppy as we rode out to deeper water. I started shoveling food in my belly hoping to help the queasy feeling.
They had handed out little black bags to everyone so we all had a good laugh about who would have to use it first. It was all fun and games until the barfing started!!
I could NOT stop barfing. Everytime I did they just brought me a new little black bag. Poor Chris. lol. He was sitting next to me and started rubbing the back of my lifejacket, but really there was nothing anyone could do to stop the barf.
I also could NOT stop laughing. For some reason it was hilarious to me that I couldn't stop barfing.

We eventually got out to where the whales were. This picture above is what whale watching is like here. They really get close to the whales. Not quite like in the states. lol
Once we found a whale we just kind of followed it around. We were able to walk around the boat as we pleased. My friends headed up to the top of the boat as I was laying down on the base of the boat for the majority of the time curled up in the fetal position. ;) I was so THANKFUL they watched Taylor. He was so excited watching to whales.
I was able to pull myself together enough to head upstairs and snuggle my Taylor for a few minutes in between bags. It really was so cool to see the whales. We even got to see one breech completely out of the water.
This picture was borrowed from a friend who had been. I didn't have my camera most of the time, but we did see one come out of the water. Very cool!
Chris was an absolute angel and took on the job of caring for Taylor. The waves were still really choppy so I thought it was sweet when I looked over and saw him with his hand on Taylor's shoulder keeping him safe! Chris has been one of my best friends here on the island. We met while playing volleyball and have been friends ever since. He is such a great guy. He has an adorable little boy of his own. His wife is also active duty and is stationed stateside right now. It breaks my heart that he can't be with her and his baby, but in June they will both be going to Germany together and can really start their lives together. I am so excited for him. I think that is why we get along so well. I can hang out with him all the time and I never have to worry about him hitting on me or wanting more than just friendship. I truly love him and am glad he is such a great friend. I am truly very lucky to have him in my life!
It did get a little long and a little boring for Tator Tot. We followed the same whale around for about an hour watching him resurface. Taylor was such a good boy though and never once complained!
Adam and Chris are such total posers. lol I thought Adam was going to fall in the water doing this. The waves were really wild!
Chris took this picture of us from the top of the boat. I had thrown up 9 times by this point and was so ready to go back to the dock, but I still had a good time with my little buddy. I am so grateful anytime I get to spend one on one time with the little ones.
Well, Taylor got a little sick on the way back to the dock and ended up throwing up. I used 9 little black bags, but continued grinning and laughing the majority of the trip. It helps going with 2 of the funniest guys on the island. :)
Anyway, I was so glad that we got to see whales and Chris and Adam were so glad that I made 6 sandwiches for them to eat on the way back since their idea of bringing a snack was sunflower seeds. Crazy boys. They enjoyed the sandwiches, chips, grapes, and cookies I brought. They did call me Mom every time I passed them something, but I was glad I could help.
The important thing is that Taylor had a ball. He still likes to talk about when we got to go see the whales and his red barf! What a guy!!
Oh, shoot! I can't stop laughing!!!! That was SO funny. I mean not that you were sick but the telling of it is hilarious!