Sunday, April 7, 2013

Random pictures from the ipad.

The other day I went to the furniture in search of bookshelf for the kids room. Anyway, the twins were driving me nuts as usual so this adorable Japanese lady working gave them both a sheep to have. It entertained them during the rest of my visit and they have played with them a ton at the house. I thought it was so cute when I walked into my room and saw this. 

That is until I came in about 15 minutes later and saw this...

My little monsters killed the serta sheep! lol


 Rhett and Carter got ripsticks for Christmas this year. They have gotten really good at riding them and were feeling pretty confident. They decided to go down the hill together. Rhett was on the sidewalk and Carter was on the road. A curb was coming up so instead of slowing down Rhett he thought he would just kick up the front of the board and ease off the curb. Not so much. Instead the front of the board hit first and he ate it hardcore. lol. He said he fell and just laid in the road for about 5 minutes. Carter pulled over and was like, "Dad. Are you okay?" Anyway, he came home with a frown on his face so we got him all bandaged up and he taught Carter to GET BACK ON THE HORSE. :) They went back outside to play. He was pretty sore for awhile though. Adults fall harder and take longer to heal than kids. :)

1 comment:

  1. Ouch! Reminds me of my fall on my bike. I didn't get back up! I walk now and don't bike....
