Thursday, July 18, 2013

Cambodia- Beng Mealea

Early the next morning we woke up and took a drive to Beng Mealea. This was one of my favorite ones for a couple reasons. 

(1) We were the only people there.
(2) The trees had done major destruction, but we were able to climb on anything that we wanted to.
(3) Our guide was AMAZING. He also ended up carrying my purse and Rhett's hat. :)

There was no one really here because it was about an hour drive out of Angkor Wat. It was such a beautiful morning and a beautiful temple. I could not believe that the trees could do so much damage with their roots. Incredible!

Enjoy the pictures.

Top- This is Rhett bolting on top of one of the libraries!

They had these awesome roots hanging everywhere. I took every opportunity to "monkey" around.

I loved swinging.

This temple was absolutely amazing with many of the same details in the workmanship. 

I loved this rock so much that I told Rhett I wanted to take it as a souvenir. :)

It was a little too heavy to take home with us. :(

Our awesome tour guide. He was seriously so funny. He would show us what pictures to take and even ended up lugging all our stuff around for us. We made sure to tip him really well.

Taking a moment to find myself.