Thursday, July 18, 2013

Chiang Mai- Karen (Long Necked Village)

Ok, so one day Rhett and I were watching the Discovery channel and saw the long necked people. I thought it was the craziest thing ever. Who ever thought having a long neck made you more beautiful? Not I. lol. Well, while we were in  Chiang Mai we had the opportunity to meet some of these beautiful women.

This beautiful lady was from one of the other tribes. They had 7 little villages for us to walk through.

This was the biggest elephant I have ever seen. I would freak out to be riding on it.

They even let me try one on. It didn't really fit. My neck was too short.

We learned that little girls get their first rings at age 5. That is so crazy. They start with 4 little rings that slowly start to stretch out their necks.

In this village they survive by having tourists pay to see them and by their handicrafts that they make. Lots of beautiful blankets, runners, and tons of jewelry. 

She looks thrilled that I'm taking her picture. lol

Rhett taking a break to do something manly. Nothing like shooting a papaya with darts. :)

Rhett thought we should get these sling shots for the boys. I said absolutely NOT. lol 

It was really funny though. They had these elephant tusks that were all polished up and looking pretty. Rhett asked one guy what you would use it for. He just kind of had a weird smile on his face. We noticed that they were in every shop that we went in. The picture below is of the lady explaining to Rhett that the tusks are used for pleasuring a women. lol. That is why some of them are big and others are small. She told him every women likes something different. We all had a good laugh. Then, he neatly placed them back on the table and bought me a bracelet. hahaha I was dying laughing.


  1. Bahahaha. I would be soooooo embarrassed! I think you look much prettier with out the neck rings. :)

  2. LOL!! That is hilarious. I remember watching that episode on Discovery with Craig about the long necked village. That is so cool that you went there. I'm jealous of all your adventures. I would love to do a trip like that with Craig.
