Saturday, July 20, 2013

Chiang Mai- Cobra Show

Okay, so we did a billion things in Chiang Mai, Thailand. I'm just going to break them up so it will make it easier to blog. I always take a ton of pictures. Sorry. I just love them and want to remember everything we did.

We went to a Cobra Show. Rhett was still a little butt hurt about not being able to eat one in Vietnam so even though I don't love cobras.... I humored him.

It was actually quite hilarious. The guys who were working with the snakes were down right crazy and I almost peed myself several time thinking someone was about to die and the announcer was the funniest guy ever. He had more jokes about me being the only girl there, because lets be honest. They probably get mostly guys at a show like this. 

Cobras kind of make me nervous! NO I DON'T WANT TO HOLD IT!

Yes, they are kissing them. YIKES!

I have noticed that I take TONS of pictures with snakes. I don't really fear snakes. Spiders are a different story, but I don't love snakes either.

What I look like while holding snakes.

What I feel like while holding snakes. lol. I was fine until it came toward my face. YUCK!

1 comment:

  1. AHHHHH!!! I love that last pic. That would be me the whole time. ;)
