Saturday, July 20, 2013

Chiang Mai- Tiger Kingdom

Next stop- Tiger Kingdom

Okay, so this was the thing I was the very most excited about. I mean, who doesn't want to get in and play with tigers? It was seriously the coolest thing I have ever done. We got to pick whether we wanted to go in with the baby tigers, medium tigers, or large adult tigers. 

Umm, NOT a hard decision.
 Baby tigers are just like cats and who wants to hang out with teenage anything? If I'm going to risk my life to play with tigers I'm going to jump in with both feet and play with the biggest, baddest cats they have. :)

My heart was pounding as we signed our release to NOT SUE if we get hurt or die. YIKES! Then, there were signs everywhere that said, "Do not put anything in the tigers cage." Ok, but we are going to go inside? I thought Rhett was going to flake out. He was so freaking scared the entire time that we were in there. I was having the time of my life. It was truly the coolest experience ever. 

I took a billion pictures because I wanted to document our last moments of life. :)

The guide kept telling me to pull it's tail. I was like, "What?" lol

Yeah, so I am glad that I was focussed on making a mustache for myself with his tail because if I had looked over and seen those teeth I may have ran right out of the cage. lol

Rhett snuggling up to it.

Haha. He looks so nervous. He was looking at the guide to make sure it was ok that the tiger was looking over at him. I thought he was going to bolt for sure.

Roaring contest. I'm going to give this one to the tiger.

Nap Time!

Most of the tigers were awake while we were there, but this guy was totally asleep. They do absolutely NO drugging of the tigers at the Tiger Kingdom, but the hours of operation is usually during the tigers down time. They are a lot more active in the evening and at night. They mostly want to sleep during the day. We were lucky to have gone at evening so we got to really play with the tigers because they were awake. It was AWESOME!!

Opening up for a dental exam from Rhett. :) Look at those beauties!

I'm pretty sure Rhett was trying to ask the tiger if he was going to eat him. :)

I loved it so much. What a cool way to spend the afternoon. We also got to walk around and see all the other tigers. They also had a freaking HUGE lion there. 

Rhett really needed a drink when we got out to calm his nerves. I think the sprite really hit the spot. :)


  1. I'm pretty sure they don't allow that in the states. Looks adventurous though.

  2. Oh Geez. Well at least eaten by tiger would be a pretty cool way to go. Awesome pictures!
