Monday, July 15, 2013


Seriously so much hiking the first day. We only had 2 full days here so we wanted to see as much as we possibly could.

This temple was a little different than the previous ones we had seen. It was made completely of sandstone. Completely BEAUTIFUL. It was this gorgeous red rock. 

It reminded me of home.

Rhett was super hungry. 
I really love the writing. It is really pretty. This guy came from behind so he could be in my picture. :)

He found some food. Mmm.... and it was Thai curry! :)

I have to say that the food was absolutely AMAZING everywhere that we went. 

Rhett really wanted to eat a cobra while we were in Vietnam, but I talked him out of it. lol. I still think he regrets not doing it and he has never forgiven me for being a party pooper. My bad, but they make you drink the blood too. Gross!!!  

After we saw that last temple we went home and showered and slept for hours. We woke up in time for dinner and the night market. My legs were so tired. I sort of wished we had one of those pedometer things to track how far we had walked and hiked. We did so many stairs my poor legs were burning. 

So I needed a massage. :) We started with Doctor Fish! It is the funniest feeling ever. It tickles hardcore.

Yum yum yum. 

They eat the dead skin off your feet! Delicious!

We were sitting right behind this sign and when we read it it looked like it said, "If our Fish can't make you happy. We will not CHANGE!" We were laughing so hard.

We did a little shopping. I mean a very little. I packed so much stuff we had very little room to buy anything. It worked out nicely and saved us a ton of money! :)

Then, we got foot massages. It was 30 minutes for a dollar! Best dollar that I spent. Hands down! :)

Last stop for the night, dessert! Then, home to bed so we could wake up early and hit up another temple.

1 comment:

  1. I would probably laugh through the whole fish foot massage. Looks pretty silly, does it work?
