Friday, July 12, 2013

Cambodia- Awesomeness!

Next stop for us was Angkor Thom.

This temple was so cool. It had these amazing faces everywhere you looked.

Yes, we bought these ugly hats and yes we actually wore them! lol. It was hot and we were worried about getting burned. Best $3.00 I've ever spent. :)

I found some more cute kids to visit with. I gave them each a dollar and they were thanking me.

The detail in everything was absolutely amazing to me. The carvings were so intricate. Really hard to explain without really seeing them. The carvings were so detailed. I can't imagine how long it took for them to do them. Absolutely beautiful.

Eskimo kisses-After we did this everyone started doing it. lol. Rhett loves setting trends. haha

It was SO hot. We went through so much water and fruit. 

Rhett bolting. I was laughing so hard because everyone started taking pictures of him doing it. 

Best friend bracelets. Oh wait.... prayer bracelets. 

This was another temple within the Angkor Wat region. I forgot the name which bums me out, but it was beautiful. 

I needed to buy a shawl to get into this one. They were monitoring at the gates to make sure everyone was modestly dressed. No shorts were allowed and no tank tops. I was able to wrap the shawl around my bare shoulders to get in. 

Our fourth temple of the day was Ta Prohm. I really loved this one and wish we had gone here earlier in the day. I was so hot and tired by this point. I would have loved to be able to not rush as much and really explore it. It was absolutely AMAZING. 

I seriously love trees so that's why this one was my favorite. It was amazing to see that the tree roots had overrun all the walls and grown through the crevices of the temple. It was crazy!!!

This is the temple that was made famous by "Tomb Raider."

Seriously, look at those roots! The trees were crazy BIG!

Rhett's signature pose of the trip. lol

It was seriously so AMAZING. I loved all the temples.


  1. Wow! That is fabulous! Gorgeous! Stunning! I love every bit of it. And I totally remember that part on Tomb Raider. :)

  2. Pretty amazing sites! I think it's funny you had to cover your immodesty. :) Lesson for my girls--dress modest always. hehehe

  3. What amazing adventures you have been on. I want to see the world too. ;) Amazing pics!
