Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy Birthday Taylor (4)

This post may be a little long as I have filled it full of photos of my little darling Taylor. He turned 4 today and I am shocked when I look at him. It's like he went from a toddler to a little boy over night. He is my little love bug and is always giving kisses. He's also my adventure buddy and asks me all the time if we can go on an "Adventure." The answer is usually yes and we have had a blast playing and exploring this beautiful little island together.

I asked Taylor what he wanted to do yesterday and he really just wanted to "Eat Cake!" We went and picked out a cake... he has been telling me for weeks that he wanted a green cake with strawberries on it. I was a little worried because fruit is really hard to get here. It all tastes so gross and I know strawberries aren't even close to being in season. Well, when we walked by the bakery Taylor got so excited and said, "Hey Mom, that's it... that's my cake. It's my birthday cake." We walked over to the window and it was a white cake that had a ton of sprinkles and green frosting on it. I was thrilled he found something that he loved.

When we got home I asked if they wanted a peanut butter sandwich or macaroni for lunch. He got a little teary eyed and said that he wanted to eat his cake. Total bummer! I guess I should have had him pick it out today instead. I tried to explain that we needed to wait for Daddy so that we could sing to him. He thought for a few minutes and I thought the discussion was over... he then runs in and excitedly yells, "Wait YOU can just sing to me." Poor kid. It was a kind of a let down day yesterday.

Today I walked into his room and snuggled him close while singing the birthday song. He got so excited and hugged me tight. I asked him what he wanted for breakfast and he quickly replied, "Cake." I gathered everyone to the table at 7:00 a.m. and we lit up his candles and sang Happy Birthday to Taylor. We then had cake for breakfast. It totally made his day!!! :)

After a fun filled day at the zoo we came home and took a much needed nap together.

When we picked up Carter from the bus we took Taylor to Daddies office where his next birthday surprise was waiting. Daddy took Taylor on a date night. Just the two of them. They went to the BX and grabbed a happy meal then they went upstairs and Rhett let him pick out any toy he wanted. He ended up coming home with a transformer and a sweet ironman toy.

Overall, I think he had a fantastic birthday.

I was looking back at pictures of this sweet boy and feeling like he grew right before my eyes- I thought I would post a few so you can have the same feeling. I feel like he is GORGEOUS. I mean seriously look at the pictures. He is one CUTE kid! :)

5 Minutes old-

A couple weeks-

1st trip to the Beach-

1st Easter-

1st Boating Trip-

Learning how to clap-

1st Halloween-

1st Birthday-

4th of July-

Playing in the mud-

Wildlife Museum-

2nd Birthday-

1st time playing in the snow-

1st crash on the sled-

3rd Birthday-

Flower Boy?!?-

He was a little sad-

My sweet little helper picked me a beautiful flower-

4th Birthday-

Taylor, you are getting so big now. I just love you so much and want you to know that I thank Heavenly Father every night for allowing you to be in my family. We are so lucky that we get to be your parents. You make my life so much brighter with you fun personality and sweet hugs and kisses. Please don't change too much! I love you just the way you are! :)

Here's a little video of us singing Happy Birthday to Taylor this morning. Listen to the babies... it's funny how excited they were.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun day!!! Cake for breakfast sounds declicious--I'm glad he had a fun birthday. We love him and are thankful he is in our family too. What a sweetheart. Taylor, Happy Birthday! I hope 4 is a great year!
