Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Roller Slide Park-

Here in Japan they have a ton of roller slides. It's a slide made up a little tiny rollers that make you slide down it. Hence the name, roller slide! :)

Anyway, we decided to check out one that is said the be the biggest roller slide on the island. It was seriously hilarious! We had so much fun rolling down this HUGE slide. The first of it you had to really pull yourself along, but once you hit the downslope you went super fast. I went down about 4 or 5 times with the Hunter and Ryker and my BUTT was burning. lol. I think I checked my pants several times just to make sure there wasn't a big hole in them. Don't worry... I was in the clear!

I guess you are SUPPOSED to bring a little thing of cardboard to slide down on. I forgot to grab some so we just went anyway.

The next day... my BUTT was SO SORE!!! I mean I felt like I had done 100 lunges the day before. It was so pathetic. I can't wait to take Melanie here. :) We are so excited because she is on her way right now. She left early this morning and we are thrilled to be able to pick her up from the airport in just a couple minutes. We have a ton of really fun places to show her. :)

Well, we are headed out-

Here's Rhett with a pretty view-

The Roller Slide-

The ride down was a BLAST... but... the STAIRS back up were a KILLER!!!

Ryker got his hands dirty and wanted me to wash them.

Hunter learned very early on that the best way to get back up was to have someone carry you!

Unfortunately, Ryker figured it out too. This made for a very LONG trip back up for Mommy.

Sweet Hunter LOVED it here!

They also had a fun spider rope to play on.

Whoa... that is a very white face! Stupid flash!

Carter giving the lazy boy Hunter a ride back to the car. What a sweet brother he is.


  1. You guys sure have a lot of fun!!! I hope Melanie falls in love with Japan too. We miss you!

  2. That looks like so much fun! I can't believe all the cool things you've done over there, what a great adventure!!

  3. when are you coming back? is melanie coming to help you bring the kids back? matt and i were just talking about having you guys over!

  4. it looks like you all had a lot of fun. where is this park at? i want to take Clayton!
