Saturday, January 1, 2011

Forest Adventure- Zip Line

When we went to Rhett's Thanksgiving party they had a really fun auction at the end. Everyone had to donate something or provide a service and than they auctioned everything off. Rhett and I bid and won 2 nights of babysitting for the outrageous price of $140.

Well, a couple weekends ago, we called up the babysitter and headed out on a date together. We went to the Forest Adventure. It was such a blast. They have 9 separate zip lines through the forest and than an adventure ropes course. It was really fun and a much needed break from all the little kids. Rhett and I has a great time together and laughed the day away as we rode from zip line to zip line. What a fun place! You get to the last zip line and they had a huge cooler with cold drinks in it. The catch is that all the drinks are in Japanese so really you don't know what you're getting. I grabbed one that had an orange on the can thinking it might be similar to orange juice. It was more like sunny delight, but still tasted so refreshing after being out in the sun. Rhett grabbed one with an apple assuming that it would be apple juice. Wrong!!! It was a green tea of sorts that had the most bitter taste I have ever tasted. It tasted like you ground up snails and threw a little dirt in for good measure. We tossed it out and I shared my drink with Rhett.

This was me and Rhett in their little carpool. You park your car then they drive you up these windy roads until you get to the forest adventure course. It was up high on a hill that overlooked the ocean. It was so pretty to see the Ocean at every turn. Great location!

Once there, they hook you up to a harness, give you directions in "broken english" about the safety. They show you how to hook up your harness to the zip line and then you demonstrate it to them on a fake little zip line. After the directions you are on your way. It was seriously such a fun time. They have 9 separate zip lines some are even pretty long. The funniest part was the landing. They just have the zip line end and you have a huge pile of wood chips to fall/stop in. Rhett and I had so many wood chips all over us by the time we were finished with all the zip lines.

Here is Rhett waiting for me. I snapped the picture in the middle of the zip line and didn't even drop the camera. Woohoo! :)

These two fun pictures were of some of the different rope courses. You go across these to get to the other zip lines. The one Rhett was standing on was so fun to bounce on. :) The one that I was on we decided to race through. I totally won, but I'm sure it's due to the fact I'm a lot skinnier than Rhett.

After we got done with all the zip lines you head over to the adventure course. It was another rope course that had a tarzan like free fall from one of the ropes. It was my all time favorite. I loved the feeling of falling and losing my stomach. It was a little intimidating due to the fact you do it over a large ravine, but still was the highlight of the day for me!

They had this sign at the right as they drop you off from the shuttle. I should have taken a picture of their top sign though because they misspelled Forest. They spelled it forresst. They did spell adventure right though. A lot of things are kind of lost in translation here. :)

Here are just a couple videos of the fun we had together!

1 comment:

  1. What a blast! We have been looking at the Adventure package on the cruise. One of them is just zip lines and ropes. The other has a high speed boat ride over as well as the zip lines, but I think it might have more because you ride donkeys to get to the top. I'm a chicken and won't do it. But I think the others all plan to do the canopy adventure. I'm glad you guys had such a fun time.
