Being here in another country has been really hard. It is very different to me. I love it, but sometimes things just get LOST IN TRANSLATION. I have always loved SIGNS that point me in the right direction and tell me what I should be doing or where I should be going. Here are a couple signs from Japan that I have loved- Oh, and for the record I'm NOT a sign seeker. I have read and learned from other people mistakes on that account, BUT I do like them! :)
I cried and couldn't ignore such a huge gesture from a very sweet little boy. I can't say that me and Rhett are going to make it or not, BUT we have decided to try some marriage counseling to see if we can make it work! I think this is a huge step and hopefully it will end up in a "Happily Ever After" for our family. I wouldn't normally post this kind of stuff on the blog, BUT since I posted that we were splitting up I thought I had post this to clear the air... I will be staying here with Rhett and hopefully with a little help from counseling and a lot of help from a loving Father in Heaven we can make it work. :)
ohhh. Sweet sign. I love that sweet sensitive boy! Jenny and Aaron went to see the Stake President or a councilor and he made them a pyramid with me in one corner spouse in one and God in the other. He told them if they always try to get closer to God that they will get closer to their spouse at the same time. Good Luck! LOVE YOU GUYS!!!