On a happier note, Carter snuck one of my snickers bars for snack time today. The little twerp. I asked him if he shared it with anyone and he started to blush. He said that he gave some to Daniella. She has yellow hair, and blue eyes like Carter. She is so good at soccer too. That's all I could get out of Carter before he got embarrassed. I love that he has a little crush. It was so cute to listen to him and see that sweet little blush on his face.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Carter's friends.
So about a month ago Carter came home from school and told me that Anias was having a bad day. I asked him why and Carter told me that his grandpa was in jail. I said that would be very sad, but then Carter told me why Anias' grandpa was in jail. It was because he SHOT Anias' brother in the head. What a wonderful place we live in.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
I just realized how big Carter was today. I was taking a nap with the babies on the couch and I smelled popcorn. I opened my eyes and Carter had a big bowl of popcorn in front of him. I asked him where he got it and he replied, " I just made me a little snack." I asked him how he made it and he said, " Well I just grabbed it out of the snack cupboard, took the plastic off, spread it out and put it in the microwave. Than I just hit the popcorn button so it would cook." What a big boy. He even got out a big bowl and poured it into the bowl for himself.
Dad realized how big he was yesterday. They were running some errands together and Carter was in the front seat. Rhett reached over to tickle him and Carter very seriously said, "Dad I'm not really in the mood." Kids are always in the mood to be tickled. I guess he's grown up now.
He is seriously the best little helper right now too. He is always helping me feed the babies and grabbing diapers for me. He is such a good boy that whatever I need he is usually right there to get it for me.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Taylor's Melt Down
I think that Taylor is acting out a little because of the babies. Taylor's clothes go under the bed in one of those pull out bins. Well, the twins have one just like Taylor's under the same bed. Well today (1/24/09) I went in and pulled out two pairs of the babies Jeans to get them ready to go outside. I got them all dressed and ran in the bedroom to get my shoes on and heard Taylor out in the living room bawling. I ran out to see what was going on and he had taken off Hunter's pants and was trying to take off Ryker's while screaming "my pants, my pants." I tried to explain to Taylor that those were the babies pants but it took me about 15 minutes to calm him down. He really didn't want the babies to wear his pants. How am I going to survive this kid?
Friday, January 23, 2009
Refrigerator Boxes Rock!
These are just a few things to consider before you throw away your refrigerator box.
I got this box and my boys LOVED it. The first night that I brought it home the little boys played in it all day. Then they begged to sleep in it.
(1) Perfect Tent!
After they had slept in it for three nights in a row it got moved outside to become a fort. I mean come on it was a huge box and took up most of the living room. We really don't have a lot of space in this apartment.
(2) Fort/Art Easel
It had been a fort for about a week and it started to rain so it got to come inside. I was watching the kid's best friends so we made a few minor adjustments and it became a theatre.
(3) Theatre
It then became a slumber party when Shaely and Carson slept over.
(4) Slumber Party
We had to cut part of it when we made the theatre, so the box was on its last days. I told Carter daddy was going to take it to the trash and he got really sad. So first we made a slide.
(5) Slide
So before you throw out that perfectly good box... just remember that kids love stuff like that. It helps them use there imagination and can entertain them for weeks.
Our Favorite Pet-Squidward
This was our favorite pet of all times. Rhett found this at school and bought it home for Carter. It was love at first sight for Carter. He named it Squidward and it became the new family pet. It lived right out on the tree by our front door and Carter always made sure to say hi to it whenever we came or went anywhere.

We will never forget you Squidward. (The only pet that mommy liked)
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I feel really bad for Taylor right now. We hardly get to go outside. It's so hard with having the twins and a 2 year old. The highlight of his day is walking to the bus stop to get Carter.
He is really cute when the bus gets there. He gets really excited and runs right up and gives Carter a huge hug while yelling "dartder dartder."
He is still learning to talk and is putting sentences together pretty well. I feel bad though because if he ever hears someone on the stairs or if someone leaves he's gets a really sad look on his face and says "I go too?"
It's just sad because usually the answer is no.
Carter Attitude!
Carter is such a sassy boy lately. Especially at grandma's house. Due to the fact that they let him get away with everything. While we were there Carter said two things that cracked everyone up...
(1) Grandpa Olsen was scooping him out some ice cream and visiting while he did it. Carter got really serious and said.." Can YOU please hurry up." I guess he said please right lol.
(2) I went over to my mom's for Christmas Eve and Rhett was going to meet me over there later. Carter decided to stay and play with the cousins and come over later with dad. Grandpa saw him and said, "Hey I thought you went over with your mom." Carter said, "No, I stayed." Then grandpa asked if Taylor stayed too. Carter just looked at him and said, "Well do you see him here."
We will continue to work to change this little attitude problem, but for now people think he's pretty funny!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Carter Seaworld
Aunt Julie took Carter and Taylor to Seaworld a couple months back and they were sitting in the Shamu (killer whale) show and the trainer was riding the whale. Julie looked at Carter and commented that that would be so fun to be when you grow up. Carter's face immediately lit up and said "Yeah when I grow up I want to be a killer whale." Kids are funny! Special thanks to Julie for taking my kids to do all the fun stuff!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Rice Cereal
I started the babies on rice cereal just recently. Ryker really likes it. Hunter really doesn't. Here are a few pictures to remember their first taste of Rice Cereal.
This video shows how much Hunter liked the rice cereal. He was trying so hard to please me and so he continue to swallow it, but as you can tell from the reaction he really wasn't the biggest fan.
Christmas 2008
We had such a fun Christmas season this year!
This is our gingerbread house. It totally rocked. Carter and Taylor even helped make an ice rink for their gummy bears to skate on. We had a house and two shacks (Carter's and Taylor's) and we even made cars out of snickers bars and peppermint candies. What a blast we had.
This is the nativity scene at grandma's house. We had Jessica as Mary, Carter as Joseph, Taylor as a one of the wise men, Ryker as baby Jesus, Jenny and Hunter as angels, and Erik as a sheep. It was a really great night. My mom had a wonderful program planned. We cried and laughed the night away.
Sweet little Ryker Christmas Morning
Sweet Little Hunter Christmas Morning
Ryker with his present
Hunter with his present
Taylor with one of his. He was very protective of all of his gifts this year. He had a blast with Carter opening all the presents he got.
Carter opening one of his. He was such a good helper. He was right there if anyone needed help with the ripping part. In fact he was even there when you didn't need help.
He was so funny this year. All he wanted for Christmas was a real motorcycle. We went to see Santa and when he got up to sit on his lap Santa asked him what he wanted for Christmas and he replied that he wanted a real motorcycle like his daddy's. Santa asked if there was anything else just in case he couldn't get him the motorcycle and Carter thought for a minute then replied a flute. Yeah me and Rhett both cracked up over that statement. Motorcycles and flutes are a lot alike.
The sweet little babies under the tree with the presents. I wonder what the return policy is for them. j/k.
Christmas morning santa did come and everyone got everything that they wanted. Carter got a motorized scooter. Taylor got a shopping cart. The twins got diapers and baby toys. I got to go see "Wicked,"and Rhett got new dental loupes. We had such a great holiday season this year.
Hunter & Ryker
Hunter & Ryker Olsen
born August 1, 2008
Hunter 5 lbs 12 oz. 18 in.
Ryker 5 lbs 11 1/2 oz. 18 in.
Hunter and Ryker may have been born on the same day, but they are nothing alike. Hunter is extremely demanding while Ryker is very mellow. Hunter wants to be held all the time and hates all the toys. Ryker loves the bouncy chair, the swing, even the highchair. He is very content to be laying on the floor playing. Hunter laughs and smiles at everything. Ryker you have to work a little bit harder to get that sweet laugh from him. Ryker tends to need a little bit more sleep than Hunter does.
When we went to Disneyland we put both babies in the bojourn's. Ryker slept most of the day and was very pleasant when he was awake. Hunter was so scared to shut his eyes at all and only took two cat naps. He didn't want to miss a thing.
If they weren't twins I would think that Hunter was about a month ahead of Ryker. He rolled over before he even hit 3 months. He loves to be on his belly and rolls over all the time. Ryker is now 5 1/2 months and Ryker has only rolled over three times. He just really isn't in that big of a hurry to grow up.
Rhett and Hunter have an extremely strong bond. Hunter loves his daddy so much and would pick him over me any day. Ryker is more of a momma's boy, but still loves his daddy a ton.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Taylor Ken Olsen
born January 5, 2007
6 lbs. 14 oz. 19 1/2 in.
Taylor Taylor Taylor. You are my little firecracker. I wish that I could say that you loved life from the very beginning, but actually you hated it. You had colic from about 2 weeks-6 months. You were such a trying little guy. I used to just sit in the rocker and rock you all day when daddy was at school. I just tried to remember that you were only crying because your little belly was hurting you so bad. I love you Taylor and it was worth all the stress of your early days to get you into our lives.

As I was looking through the photos and picking some out. I came across this pose several times. Carter always squishes your face as you both give us cheesy smiles.
This was on your way over to the babysitters house so mommy could go and bring your baby brothers home. You love the babies so much. You are always kissing and laying on top of them.
Taylor you are so adorable. We are so glad to have you in the family. I just wanted to write down some of the times you haven't been quite as cute. You are such a red head and have the personality to go along with it. You are really stubborn and down right naughty a lot of the time right now. You just turned two so I'm hoping that you grow out of the bad behavior. You are the middle child and have been quite a brat to the babies. You love to pull the babies out of the bouncers. You just grab their little legs and pull. You think it's hilarious when they land on the floor crying. You always come up and say "bebies cry... cry bebies."
Another naughty thing that you did recently was you got an open monster energy drink out of the fridge and dumped it all over Hunter. I think you were trying to be nice and give him a drink. You actually got quite a bit in his mouth and tons on his clothes before mommy came in and caught you in the act.
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