Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I just realized how big Carter was today. I was taking a nap with the babies on the couch and I smelled popcorn. I opened my eyes and Carter had a big bowl of popcorn in front of him. I asked him where he got it and he replied, " I just made me a little snack." I asked him how he made it and he said, " Well I just grabbed it out of the snack cupboard, took the plastic off, spread it out and put it in the microwave. Than I just hit the popcorn button so it would cook." What a big boy. He even got out a big bowl and poured it into the bowl for himself.

Dad realized how big he was yesterday. They were running some errands together and Carter was in the front seat. Rhett reached over to tickle him and Carter very seriously said, "Dad I'm not really in the mood." Kids are always in the mood to be tickled. I guess he's grown up now.

He is seriously the best little helper right now too. He is always helping me feed the babies and grabbing diapers for me. He is such a good boy that whatever I need he is usually right there to get it for me.

1 comment:

  1. He is turning into a big boy! So he's officially out of the terrible twos??? I wonder about Jace sometimes. I think the twos actually start about 20months and last until 3 1/2. At least I can reason with him now though. I like your new background!
