Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hunter & Ryker

Hunter & Ryker Olsen
born August 1, 2008
Hunter 5 lbs 12 oz.    18 in.
Ryker 5 lbs 11 1/2 oz. 18 in.

Hunter and Ryker may have been born on the same day, but they are nothing alike. Hunter is extremely demanding while Ryker is very mellow. Hunter wants to be held all the time and hates all the toys. Ryker loves the bouncy chair, the swing, even the highchair. He is very content to be laying on the floor playing. Hunter laughs and smiles at everything. Ryker you have to work a little bit harder to get that sweet laugh from him. Ryker tends to need a little bit more sleep than Hunter does. 

When we went to Disneyland we put both babies in the bojourn's. Ryker slept most of the day and was very pleasant when he was awake. Hunter was so scared to shut his eyes at all and only took two cat naps. He didn't want to miss a thing.

If they weren't twins I would think that Hunter was about a month ahead of Ryker. He rolled over before he even hit 3 months. He loves to be on his belly and rolls over all the time. Ryker is now 5 1/2 months and Ryker has only rolled over three times. He just really isn't in that big of a hurry to grow up.

Rhett and Hunter have an extremely strong bond. Hunter loves his daddy so much and would pick him over me any day. Ryker is more of a momma's boy, but still loves his daddy a ton.

These are some of the hospital pictures. The pregnancy with the twins was really hard. I had a lot of pre-term labor and was on heavy duty medicine the whole time to prevent contractions. The Terbutaline made me really sick and It made my heart hurt. I was put on bedrest at 18 weeks and finally got off at 36 weeks. I'm so glad that I got two babies in the end though.

It was really wild to have two babies inside my belly. I gained 55 lbs. It was weird to feel them kicking all over. One was under my ribs while the other was kicking my bladder.

Even when the babies came out they have always loved to be right next to each other. I have noticed that if they are away from one another for long amounts of time they will get fussy. If I just lay them together they just curl up together and are happy.

This is when they could fit in the swing together. So cute!

This is Ryker giving Hunter a little kiss. 

Photo time with daddy. Everything is cuter in two's.

Getting ready for bed is always fun. They sleep in the same crib together and love to cuddle. I am so excited that they are sleeping through the night now. It was hard to get up and feed all the time. Since they were born they have been on opposite schedules. They eat at the same time, but sleep at different times during the day. So Hunter will be sleeping then they eat and right after Ryker will fall asleep. It's like having one baby awake 24 hours a day. A little challenging but nice that I get alone time with each baby separately.

Under the Christmas tree. They had fun Christmas morning.

This happens quite a bit. Hunter will roll over onto Ryker. Ryker was okay with it that day because then he had fingers to chew on. Yummy!

Ryker Top- Hunter Bottom
My two little baseball players. These pictures are dedicated to my husband Rhett who hates baseball more than any other sport on the planet!


  1. Two cute boys! I'm obviously cheating and going on my blog more then once a week . . :) he he he . . and everytime I do you seem to have a new post. I LOVE IT. It's fun to learn more about your boys and your life. I miss you. By the way, Jace had that same exact baseball outfit. Love you beck!

  2. The baseball outfits are so cute. Your boys are so much fun, but Carter is still my best buddy. I can't wait for another Disney trip.
