Friday, January 23, 2009

Our Favorite Pet-Squidward

This was our favorite pet of all times. Rhett found this at school and bought it home for Carter. It was love at first sight for Carter. He named it Squidward and it became the new family pet. It lived right out on the tree by our front door and Carter always made sure to say hi to it whenever we came or went anywhere. 

This is Squidward hanging upside down. 

Carter's favorite thing to do was to go on spider hunts with daddy for Squidward to eat. This was a black widow that Rhett caught for her to eat. We would always bring her in to feed her. Rhett just put the spider and the praying mantis under a glass bowl and it was amazing to watch her eat. I was really scared when Rhett brought the black widow in, but Rhett assured me that the spider had no chance against Squidward.

We went out one day and noticed that there was 2 praying mantis's on the tree. A few days later the little (male) was gone. Squidward had eaten it. Then a few weeks later we saw her cocoon. 

We were really sad when Squidward died. She died shortly after she laid the cocoon. We made sure to take care of her cocoon and were pleasantly surprised when it opened up and all her babies came out. 

We wish that some of them had stayed on the tree, but they all flew away... just like on Charlotte's Web.

We will never forget you Squidward. (The only pet that mommy liked)


  1. except you fed charlotte to your pet.

  2. lol. That's what Charlotte gets for being a spider. I hate spiders.

  3. You're a brave woman for letting them bring a praying mantis and a spider into your home! I guess that's what happens when you have all boys! Jonah got a bug vacuum for Christmas to catch bugs in but I'm too much of a wuss and don't let him bring anything inside!
