Saturday, January 24, 2009

Taylor's Melt Down

I think that Taylor is acting out a little because of the babies. Taylor's clothes go under the bed in one of those pull out bins. Well, the twins have one just like Taylor's under the same bed. Well today (1/24/09) I went in and pulled out two pairs of the babies Jeans to get them ready to go outside. I got them all dressed and ran in the bedroom to get my shoes on and heard Taylor out in the living room bawling. I ran out to see what was going on and he had taken off Hunter's pants and was trying to take off Ryker's while screaming "my pants, my pants." I tried to explain to Taylor that those were the babies pants but it took me about 15 minutes to calm him down. He really didn't want the babies to wear his pants. How am I going to survive this kid?

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