Thursday, January 22, 2009

Carter Attitude!

Carter is such a sassy boy lately. Especially at grandma's house. Due to the fact that they let him get away with everything. While we were there Carter said two things that cracked everyone up... 

(1) Grandpa Olsen was scooping him out some ice cream and visiting while he did it. Carter got really serious and said.." Can YOU please hurry up." I guess he said please right lol.

(2) I went over to my mom's for Christmas Eve and Rhett was going to meet me over there later. Carter decided to stay and play with the cousins and come over later with dad. Grandpa saw him and said, "Hey I thought you went over with your mom." Carter said, "No, I stayed." Then grandpa asked if Taylor stayed too. Carter just looked at him and said, "Well do you see him here."

We will continue to work to change this little attitude problem, but for now people think he's pretty funny!

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