Taylor Ken Olsen
born January 5, 2007
6 lbs. 14 oz. 19 1/2 in.
Taylor Taylor Taylor. You are my little firecracker. I wish that I could say that you loved life from the very beginning, but actually you hated it. You had colic from about 2 weeks-6 months. You were such a trying little guy. I used to just sit in the rocker and rock you all day when daddy was at school. I just tried to remember that you were only crying because your little belly was hurting you so bad. I love you Taylor and it was worth all the stress of your early days to get you into our lives.
You had the cutest little face as a baby. It was fun for mommy that you looked a little more like me. Carter looks so much like daddy that it was fun to know that I helped make a child. You have adorable auburn hair and eyes that almost match.
I tried to burn all of these pictures and only use the ones where you weren't crying, but honestly it wasn't very often that you weren't screaming your head off. Look how cute you were even yelling though. You are such a cutie!
Carter loves you. He wanted to hold you all the time. He also talked to mommy's belly a lot before you came out. He always said that he wanted a little brother. You two still have so much fun playing together. Taylor's highlight of the day right now is going to the bus stop. When Carter gets off he always runs right into his arms for a bear hug.
This is grandma's idea. She had fun taking pictures and miraculously you were really good that day. You really love grandma. I think you remember her from a better place. Carter has a really strong connection with other grandma. I think Melanie would claim him if she got the chance. Taylor when you were a baby you had these big bright eyes that wanted to take everything in. It took you a long time to smile, but I figure that was due to the colic. because as soon as you hit 6 months you have been smiling ever since.
You liked belly time a lot more than Carter did. Carter looked so betrayed every time we even tried to place him on his belly. He would just scream. Taylor you did things really fast. You rolled over at 3 1/2 months, crawled right around 5 1/2 months, and started talking really fast. Your first word was "momma." Your favorite word that you learned to say was "
grooooossss." It was funny every time I would change the twins you would be so grossed out.... as if I hadn't just changed poop from you minutes earlier.
Easter 2007. What an adorable little guy. Very serious. You weren't sure that you liked Carter putting eggs all over you.
Look at those little teeth. You were such a trooper when you were getting teeth. They didn't seen to affect you at all!
You have a really cute smile that you show us all the time. You seem to really enjoy life. You love to eat buddy. Anything, but you love "
tookies" and "m an
m's" the most.
We went to see the play "The Wizard of Oz" and you had such a good time. You thought it was so funny. You loved the little dog
toto the most.
This picture was taken at the firework show. You were hilarious. You just danced and danced to the
pre show music. Mommy was really pregnant so daddy had to chase you everywhere.
As I was looking through the photos and picking some out. I came across this pose several times. Carter always squishes your face as you both give us cheesy smiles.
This was on your way over to the babysitters house so mommy could go and bring your baby brothers home. You love the babies so much. You are always kissing and laying on top of them.
Taylor you are so adorable. We are so glad to have you in the family. I just wanted to write down some of the times you haven't been quite as cute. You are such a red head and have the personality to go along with it. You are really stubborn and down right naughty a lot of the time right now. You just turned two so I'm hoping that you grow out of the bad behavior. You are the middle child and have been quite a brat to the babies. You love to pull the babies out of the bouncers. You just grab their little legs and pull. You think it's hilarious when they land on the floor crying. You always come up and say "
bebies cry... cry
Another naughty thing that you did recently was you got an open monster energy drink out of the fridge and dumped it all over Hunter. I think you were trying to be nice and give him a drink. You actually got quite a bit in his mouth and tons on his clothes before mommy came in and caught you in the act.
I am so sad the Taylor has grown up and says gross like a big kid. We still remember and say it all the time. When things that I have cooked don't turn out great Jenny is quick to say Taylor's catch phrase.