Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year

Happy New Year from here in Japan. Rhett and I just watched the fireworks together and I can honestly say that even though 2011 is going to be a year with lots of changes... I am so GLAD and THANKFUL that I got to bring in the New Year with Rhett. You truly are my best friend and I will miss you a ton when we head back to the states! I love you buddy! I'm glad that you have brought so many laughs into my life. We have had our ups and downs, but it has truly been one heck of a ride! Thank you for everything you do for me and the boys!

Beck's Resolution's for 2011-

Every year I make the resolution to get in shape and though this is sort of on the list for the next year- IT IS NOT A PRIORITY!

This year I want to bring the Lord into my life. I will do this by-

(1) Reading the scriptures NIGHTLY.
(2) Family Home Evening.
(3) Teaching the little ones the love that he has for each of us! I want them to feel the comfort I have felt throughout the years and KNOW they are choice sons of a loving Father in Heaven. I want to introduce them to the gospel and see them drink it all in.
(4) Be a GREAT Mom. This includes not yelling at the kids... and taking them to see the world. I want them to know that there in beauty in everything and everywhere. I want them to love the world the Lord created for us to enjoy! I want to take poor Carter camping. Bless his soul. He loves it SO much and I have vowed I'm going to do it this year. I may not love it, but by golly we are going to do it.

I would also like to work out and get back in shape AND eat healthy this year. Wish me luck!!!


  1. you and your kids are coming over to my house the second you are over your jet lag!

  2. You can do it Becks! I love you tons!! That zip-line place looks awesome.

  3. Lucky we bought a tent trailer! You might have an easier time camping with a few of the extras...not condo camping....but not quite as dirty either. Have fun. Love the resolutions! Good Luck!
