Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas 2011

 We had a great Christmas this year. We were excited for the kids to fall asleep to set everything up. It took them quite awhile due to everything being so exciting.

They climbed in our beds about 6:00, but fell asleep until 7:00. Lucky us.

They couldn't wait to run down those stairs and see if Santa had come. The day was perfect. Everyone LOVED their gifts.

Enjoy the pictures. We love you family!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you all had a wonderful Christmas! We love you--thanks for the fun gifts. Wish you could have seen Justin trying on the cool Ninja Warrior Head Scarf--Soo So cool. Larry Loved the new iron wood to add to his collection and of course I loved the wind chimes. So beautiful. We love and miss you all!
