Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Advent- Day 11

The kids loved seeing him on the door today. What a silly elf.

Day 11- Holiday Haircuts and Hot Chocolate

See how I did that? I totally put something on the calendar that they needed to do anyway. :) I did make it a fun twist though.We went to the salon and had someone else do it. See? Another gift to myself. :)

Taylor giggled through the whole thing. I'm not sure if he was nervous or ticklish, but it was hilarious to watch him.

Carter's favorite thing about the haircut is the massage afterwards. He said, "It just takes all his worries away." Okay... you're eight. How many worries can you have?

Hunter peeking in the window to check on Ryker getting finished up.

Looking good Buddy!

Next stop, hot chocolate! Yummy!

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