Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas Advent- Day 22

Day 22- Christmas craft day.

We had a great time making herds of reindeer and even made a couple gingerbread houses. The kids had fun eating candy and shaping antlers. They were super cute and great little helpers. 

Our ugly little houses. I usually buy the kit for gingerbread houses, but they were completely sold out so we had to just use graham crackers instead. LAME!!!

I had volleyball and I came home to this. My poor little buddy got a huge goose bump on his head. I guess he fell into the wall.


  1. I've been busy--just barely caught up with your blog. I'm glad you have had such a fun time getting ready for Christmas. Hope you all have a wonderful time.

  2. Ouch!! Wish I could kiss it better! What a tough little guy.
