Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Devils Little Helpers!

Here is another round of naughtiness courtesy of the brats!

This week you guys-

*Painted the bathroom with lipstick
*Trashed your room (5 times)
*Cut 3 shirts
*Broke off 14 keys on mommies keyboard. Grrr... still so mad about this one
*Took a bath in the sink and splashed water ALL over

I heard you and came in and pulled you out. Then, you took off your shirts and snuck back in!


  1. Brings back memories. It's funny but after awhile you look back and smile.

  2. Can I trade you for Brooke? She's been a monster lately ... and the baby hasn't even come yet. I'm worried how she will react to being dethroned from Queen bee. She gets into my makeup every other day. I have to hide it or that cover girl all day lipstick ends up all over her face and it's SO hard to get off.
