Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Advent- Day 9

Dobby watching for good behavior-

Day 9- Cookies with Santa at Carter's school-

 This was a really fun event. It could have been organized a little better, but overall we had a really great time.

We started by waiting in line to see Santa. The kids were so excited to tell him what they wanted for Christmas this year. The babies had me laughing as they tried to explain about the flashlight that they wanted.

After seeing Santa we saw the Bob Hope Panda and took a quick picture on our way to grab a couple cookies.

Next, we got some fun ornaments and some popcorn. Yum.

They also served everyone dinner. We had lasagna, salad, a roll, and a glass of milk. We sat and ate all while watching a Christmas cartoon.

I do realize they are wearing the same clothes as the day before. We did put on jammies the night before though. The kids are into picking their own clothes and I usually let them wear what they want as long as it isn't dirty or stinky. :)

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