Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas Advent- Day 18

"I know where the elf is. He's in the beautiful shoes." (Taylor)

 Day 18- Wrap and deliver the presents we picked out for our little "Angels" from the angel tree.

We picked out two names off the angel tree this year. A two year old boy and a five year old boy. I took the kids to the store to pick out some presents and they did such a great job. I'm sure these little boys will be thrilled.

Both boys live at a local orphanage and we are thrilled to be able to help them out.

Everyone helped Daddy wrap the presents. He needed a lot of help with the tape. They did perfect!

These are the angels we picked out. We get to keep them to remind us that there are others out there that aren't as blessed as we have been. It is so important to remember these sweet little angels too.

Helping out with the second present. We are so excited to get to go and play with the kids from the orphanage tomorrow. We get to take them our gifts and even have been working on Away in a Manger in Japanese that we get to sing to them. I know I can't wait to go.

All ready to head to the church and back under the Angel tree.

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