Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Advent- Day 7

Just chilling on top of the couch keeping a close eye out for Santa. 

Day 7- Make a fun Christmas treat to share at Carter's Pack Meeting

 So proud of my cub scout. He loves everything about the scouting program.

They played some fun games and did a relay race.

What a fun night.

The other day we were at the grocery store and the boys were a little wild. I pulled the cart over and said, "You better behave... you know who's watching!" Hunter quickly replied back, "Yeah Jesus is." What a GREAT answer!


  1. Too fun!! I liked Hunter's comment that "Jesus is watching".

  2. Tell Carter that I had the Webelos at my house today. It looks like they have fun pack meetings. I'm glad he is a scouter!!! I love seeing the fun things you do each day to get ready for Christmas. Thanks for sharing!
