Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Advent- Day 24

Day 24- Write a Christmas letter for family and friends.

The kids all blew Dobby a kiss goodbye and told him to have a safe flight back with Santa. It was cute. They will surely miss finding this silly little elf everyday.

 The Olsen Family Christmas Card- 2011

This year has been the absolute BEST year of our marriage thus far. I'm sure that it helps that I actually get to see Rhett. We do a lot as a family and are loving the new adventures of living in Japan.

Rhett- He is working as a dentist for the Air Force and is loving his job. He stays busy treating all the active duty members and their dependents. On his off time he has been introduced to the world of gaming and devotes many hours online playing Modern Warfare 3. He also loves the outdoors and loves the chance to play ultimate frisbee, racquetball, and golf. He can also be seen in the backyard playing steamroller on the trampoline or throwing a baseball with his little boys. 

Rebecca- I have stayed extremely busy cleaning up messes that the twins make. They have a special talent in destroying anything and everything they get their hands on. I have also been trying to learn to cook this year. I would love to say that I have mastered this and that I am a pro, but it seems quite the opposite. Most of the new meals that I make are barely edible and would not be considered delicious. I will keep working on this one. I do play volleyball twice a week and can honestly say that it keeps my insanity in check. Rhett feeds the kids and gets them all tucked in on these nights. It has been AWESOME. Overall, a great year.

Carter- He turned eight this year and is loving the second grade. He still hates to read, but it doing well with it. He has blossomed this year and has made LOTS of friends. I feel as though I have six to eight kids most days, but love to see them all out playing together. He can't wait to get baptized and we were planning to do it in Hawaii, but most likely he will be baptized in the East China Sea. He is also in scouts now and loving every second of it. It is a blast to see him so excited about it. He just had a three day scout day camp and earned lots of new badges.

Taylor- He will be turning five in a few weeks and is excited that he will get to start kindergarten soon. He is very into mario brothers and sonic. Games are a new thing for him, but he is sure enjoying them. He also is still very much in love with girls. He likes to go to his primary class because there are like eight girls in it. He constantly teasing them to get their attention. He is such a sweet little boy. He is my helper and loves to help me get dinner ready. He also LOVES peanut butter and honey sandwiches and expects one everyday for lunch.

Hunter- He is getting so big. He gave me the greatest gift for Christmas and I can officially say that the twins are potty trained. Yay!!! He is my little cuddler and climbs into my bed every night for some extra mommy time. He is also like a little shadow. He loves to be right next to me. He loves snacks, but is a horribly picky eater and makes dinner a nightmare. He loves Dora and Ryker is his best friend. They don't like to be apart. He really likes to go. Anytime anyone is going anywhere you can find his hustling to the door to put his shoes on so he can go.

Ryker- He is a little stubborn right now and it's really hard to get his mind off something when he has it set. He is constantly stealing Daddy's iphone to play games. Most of the people that know the babies can always tell Ryker apart because he is my little nudist. I cannot keep pants on this kid at all. He loves underpants and doesn't understand that I want him to cover up the picture. He is really a sweetheart and always makes sure to tell you that he loves you. He is a very great snuggler as well.

That pretty much covers our family. We hope that all of our friends and family are well. We are now about half way through our tour over here in Okinawa and though we miss everyone in the states we are continuing to enjoy the adventure we have had here.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


  1. I love hearing about your family. Your blog has been a blessing in my life. I don't get as homesick for you because I can always look at your blog and feel like I'm seeing those sweet kids grow up right before my eyes. Can't wait for skype!

  2. Becky, I have loved following you, Dobby, and your sweet family throughout the month of December. I love you!
