Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas Advent- Day 1

We have sure had fun getting in the holiday spirit. Our elf came back this year. He checks up on the kids and makes sure that they are behaving. We took a family vote and the kids chose to give him a new name. Last year he was Professor X. This year everyone got to throw out a name and then everyone voted.

Ryker- Scooter
Hunter- House elf
Taylor- Jingles
Carter- Puss (lol. We just saw Puss in Boots)
Mommy- Ollie
Dad- Dobby

We all voted and the winning name is.... Dobby the house elf.

Here is Dobby hiding out in the tree just watching the kids for naughty behavior. Knowing my little ones, I'm sure he got an eyeful.

This year another tradition we are doing is an Advent Calendar. The kids are really enjoying it. :)

Day 1-

Don't mind poor Carter's face. He ran into a tree while playing baseball with his Dad.

It's says learn a new Christmas song together. I taught the kids Jingle Bells. I also had them all wear these fun Santa hats. Every time we sang the chorus they would shake their heads like crazy. :) It sounded great.

Don't mind the blurry pictures. The kids had made fingerprints on the lens. Grr... Naughty!


  1. Beautiful Christmas Tree! I like the new name for your elf! I love your advent Calendar.

  2. It looks like such a fun Christmas at your house. I loved your boy's letters and the look on Taylor's face. I was laughing so hard reading Taylor's letter. Do you want me to supply the puppy? lol.
