Thursday, June 9, 2011

Bios on the Hill

We went to Bios on the Hill with Rhett and some friends over the weekend. It was so relaxing to let the kids run around while we visited with friends. We played in the playhouse, fed the goats, and even went on the boat ride together. It was a great day. We were going to head to the beach afterwards to cool off so that is why everyone is in swimming suits. We bagged it though because it started to rain right as we were leaving. We are still getting used to this crazy unpredictable weather. :)

Ryker showing Daddy how to feed the goats and Daddy in turn showing him how he does it. :)

Poor Taylor wasn't feeling very well. His belly was hurting so he did a lot of resting and being carried around by me and Rhett. Poor Baby!

This is a picture of Carter playing the Shamisen. It's a three stringed Japanese instrument. They also had fun playing with drums.

Hunter stopping to get a stamp for his hand. A lot of places we go they have cute little stamps for you to get. My boys love to give each other stamps all over their bodies. It's a fun mess.

Me and Rhett tried out the stilts. We should have had a race. I would have kicked his butt. He had a hard time keeping his balance. :) We had a good time walking on trails and enjoying watching the kids have a blast. They love to go outside and it's fun to have so many beautiful places for them to play. I love this little island that we live on. It truly is amazing.

The babies took a little break to swing together. It was cute to see them holding hands and being best buddies. Notice even though we live in Japan now we still try to represent the good old USA sometimes. :)

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